Attic Insulation

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Attic Insulation

Attic Insulation:
• Reduce your heating bills by improving your energy 
• Increase your home comfort levels 

On average, a home loses 20-30% of its heat through its roof, if it is not properly insulated. This loss of heat not only costs you money in the form of higher heating bills, but it also harms the environment by increasing greenhouse gas emissions. 
Attic/Rafter insulation is generally the most cost effective of any energy efficiency upgrade made to a house, considering the potential cost savings that can be achieved on the monthly heating bills. Even if you already have insulation in your roof, you may still be losing heat if there is not enough insulation, if it is damaged or if it is not correctly installed. 
Typical insulation materials used are semi-rigid insulation boards as well as glass/mineral fibre. The insulation material you choose may depend on the depth of your joists or rafters. The optimum solution for your specific case should be discussed with your Warm Wrap Homes sales advisor.
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